Private company intelligence


Experience Kona Equity Premium

Unlock advanced features like smart keyword search, detailed contact information, and real-time updates.

Loved by teams from


Here's how it works

  • 🔍

    Effortless Company Search

    Access unparalleled information on 4 million small and medium-sized businesses driving the private economy.

  • 🏷️

    Save those you like

    Quickly save and qualify the companies that are relevant for your search.

  • 📈

    Gain Competitive Edge

    Unlock your dealmaking potential with exclusive insights and informational advantages.

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Access All Our Data in One Easy Request

Simplify your data retrieval with our powerful API

API Request

POST /api/v1/companies
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

  "filters": {
    "industry": "Technology",
    "revenue_min": 1000000,
    "employees_min": 50
  "limit": 10

JSON Response

  "companies": [
      "name": "TechCorp Inc.",
      "domain": "",
      "industry": "Technology",
      "revenue": 5000000,
      "employees": 120,
      "location": {
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA"
    // ... more companies ...
  "total": 156,
  "page": 1,
  "limit": 10